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Tag: D P Nicholls


Outernet, by D P Nicholls, front cover image.

Techno Thriller


On Sale 13th December, 2013
Format(s): Kindle and Paperback
Categories: Techno Thriller, Thriller

  • About

    Does Society really know how to cope without the Internet?

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    Roland Bouverie is a media mogul whose tentacles spread worldwide.

    Long ago he avoided the temptation to join the Internet generation and now, realising that his business empire is in serious decline, decides that he has to take down this technology. He has the money and the determination to do so, irrespective of the outcome. This, he feels, is personal. The global ramifications for this relatively new innovation are immense, with very few avenues of civilisation not affected.


  • Product Details

    Format(s): Paperback and Kindle
    ISBN: 978-1-905378-33-3 (Paperback)
    ASIN: B00HAMJ61U (Kindle)
    Edition: 1st Edition
    Imprint: GWL Publishing
    Classification: Fiction, Techno Thriller, Thriller
    Paperback Published: 13th December, 2013
    Kindle Published: 13th December, 2013
    No. of pages: 184pp
    List Price – Kindle: £3.66
    List Price – Paperback: £8.99

  • Reviews

    “Fantastic Read”

    UK Amazon Customer Review, August, 2013.

    “Thought Provoking Book”

    USA Amazon Customer Review, August, 2013.

    “Really makes you think…”

    UK Amazon Customer Review, October, 2013.

    “Intriguing and fascinating story line”

    USA Amazon Customer Review, January, 2014.

    “This was a good technothriller”

    UK Amazon Customer Review, February, 2014.

    “A Serious Topic Wrapped in a Thriller”

    USA Amazon Customer Review, March, 2014.

  • Author Websites

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